Friday, April 15, 2011


It is so curious what binds us all.  Where we have been.  Where are we headed. Whom is in our lives. Whom has drifted away.  And most importantly, whom has been forcibly removed.

Whom is in our lives - that is at the forefront of thought for the day.  Current trend seems to be to count one's "Friends", who has the most in their " Book ".  To be reminded daily of who is at the top of the list today is a common desire.    " It's fill in the blank's  Birthday! "  And etiquette  tells you to be sure to recognize that person on that special day.  But what of those that are gone from society?  How do we remember and keep them close?  Who reminds us to celebrate,  the one that has been removed from the forefront.

Today is Jodi's birthday, and would have marked her 42nd year of life, but rather, it is the 4th year since her death.  When I started this day, as so many other days, I checked in with "friends" to see what everyone was up to.  It occurred to me then that some very special people in my life were celebrating a birthday today.  It occurred to me that they entered my life for very different reasons, under various circumstances, only now do I see this new connection.  Celebration. 

I will always miss Jodi for who she was to me, but more for who she was to those dear to me, and what they have lost with her passing.  But more than miss her and mourn her, I choose to celebrate her.  During her 38 years of life, she was nothing if not honest - but always encouraging.  Her truthful perspective could guide you with such ease, a guardian angel of sorts, if that is your belief.  So why in 4 short years is it so hard to still let her guide?  I know what she would have said about some decisions, and honestly, she would have been right.  So knowing this, it should be easy to do the right things.  Although life is changing, and society is changing, and my people are growing and changing, one truth remains.  When faced with decision, let your guide help you decide as she would have if she were alive - with knowledge.  Educate and decide, rather than panic and react.

So there it is.  My celebration.  I am doing the right thing, by doing the Write Thing.  It is not a venture in success, just one of survival.  Because as scary as it is to be judged by your thoughts, it is so much more painful to repress them.

And it is my sincere hope that you will find something to celebrate today too. 

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