Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Today was one of those days when I started out down and one or two people gave me seemingly small compliments that just changed my whole outlook.  I love those kind of days, so much more so than the ones where you wake feeling invincible and then it all goes to hell when you get to the car and realize you need gas, which reminds me...

Anywho, a friend posted on facebook a story of her and her husband being complimented in public about their children's awesome public behavior and how that was a reflection of their great parenting.  (which I absolutely agree with - that they are great parents!)   And then another special someone dropped me a compliment on my parenting, all while some other very wonderful people in my life are having one of the hardest days a parent can have - celebrating a birthday for a deceased child.  And people actually believe there is not a higher power or connection between all of us humans.

So these turn of events got me thinking  about parenting and it's challenges and how regardless of how my day is going, I am truly blessed to be a parent, three times over.  I began thinking how we never know if we are getting it right, we have to just keep parenting and cross our fingers.  Now of course, we change some methods based on the age of the child, although 16 is alot like 2, time out really doesn't work very well these days.  Or we change them with the changing times, spanking in public gets you a nice vacation, although courtesy of the State, and who would have ever thought all three kids would have cell phones, my youngest by 13!  But successful parenting relies mainly in the basic rules that you hold to, no matter what.

One of our basic rules that we rely on during all decision making as parents, Raise what God gave you, not what you thought you wanted.  I wanted a blond hair blue eyed curly Q  - I was given not one! I always thought I would have football players - none there either.  What did I get?  One of the greatest minds of our time, and he has been out smarting me since he is three.  A cheerleader - farthest from my understanding or interests as a woman.  And the one that always hears a different beat.

So do I dye their hair and put them on the football field?  No.  I try to stay on my toes and listen to all the great mind has to say in the hopes that he will continue to teach me for the rest of my life.  I learned cheerleading, I coached it and I help her choreograph her own routines - because she loves it, so I love it.  I listen for that beat and try to help the youngest follow it to success - after all no one really understood Elvis's beat at first either.

Please don't think I solely define my children by these traits.  They are so much more and I know this.  I am merely trying to illustrate a point.  Parent for who they are, not who you are.  After all, you won't be heading out for a bushel of strawberries to carve up this Halloween any more than you would have put squash between the whipped cream and short cake last 4th of July.  I never put the genius on the football field any more than I expected the girl to take up boxing, and I let the undecided try everything until he finds what suits him.  (Of course insisting he always finish what he starts - another basic rule for another blog)

Happy parenting and God forbid you take them to the end of their life, hold your head up knowing you did your best to help them be them.

Thanks to my niece for the parenting compliment that helped reset my day and attitude.  And thanks to the good friend that finds my voice at the top of her musical inspirations -  MUSIC, now there is a topic for another day.

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