Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Pick Up Lines

While driving into work I often contemplate life.  Usually it's immediate life, what bills are due, where does everyone need to be today, what am I having for lunch.  Sometimes I just get lost in the music.  And sometimes, the music puzzles me.  Today was a puzzling music day.

Now, I consider myself a pretty hip mom, at least musically.  I can say that because hipster is actually a widely used genre currently, one that I like.  I credit my mom with this ability.  She believed you could learn a lot from your kids by the music they listen to, and although she came of age in the 50's, I recall many a Saturday morning listening to Bob Seger as we cleaned, and later, when I was the only one left at home, a little Michael Jackson Thriller could be heard.  She never liked my taste in Metal, but she would yell upstairs - "Shut that off ! Do you even hear the lyrics?"

So back to me, the Hipster.  I listen to a lot of what my kids do and I like most of it.  On the ride in today I was listening to Alt Buffalo and I heard "Cecilia and the Satellite" by Andrew McMahon in the Wilderness.  It's cool I sing along with it often.  Today, I really "heard" the lyrics, as my mom suggested so long ago.

"I'm the satellite, and you're the sky"

As pick up lines go, that sucks.  As love songs go, even worse. 

See,  I bartend. It's not all I do, but it's a lot of who I am.  My Grandmother did it, and although I barely new her, I feel most connected to her in that part of my life, but that's another story for another day.  As a bartender, I hear pick up lines, some directed at me, some I just eaves drop in on.  Some are funny, sincere, freaky.  Some are inspired by songs and  I love them all.  Mostly because I genuinely love people, and the things they do make me laugh. 

Back to my issue - "I'm the satellite, and you're the sky"  What does that mean ?  My impression and translation is something along the lines of -
I wanna penetrate your dark abyss with  my blinky light?
Does anyone else hear that?  I mean, I get it, times are changing. "Baby love, my baby love" doesn't really do it for today's youth.  And T Swizzle nails it with "Love Story" but really only for main stream American High Schoolers.  But if times have to change, do they have to be so creepy as well as techy ?   As a self proclaimed hip mom, I still worry about my kids, their futures, and their love. I am fortunate, I come from love, and I am adored daily by the love of my life.  And I want nothing less for them.  I have a love like Johnny and June and I want it for them as well.  So when I hear these lyrics, I'm concerned.  I know there are a lot worse types of music out there, but this is what my kids listen to, and more importantly, what those they are interested in listen to.

So if "love" has to be techy and trendy to draw in the youth of today.  Can it be a little less creepy and dark please.  I mean maybe something like You're the SIM card to my cell, nothing works without you! 

There you have it feel free to use that one the next time you are in a bar !

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